将Material Studio的xtd轨迹文件导出为xyz轨迹文件的方法

2019-05-13 09:56

将Material Studio的xtd轨迹文件导出为xyz轨迹文件方法

文/Sobereva @北京科音  First release: 2012-May-23

Material Studio(MS)的xtd文件包含了原子或者粗粒化模拟中的bead的轨迹信息。这是MS的私有格式,为了能将轨迹放到其它程序,比如VMD中做更灵活细致的分析,需要转换为通用轨迹格式。xtd文件内含的实际轨迹信息实际上储存在同目录下的同名的.trj隐藏文件里(二进制文件),一种转换成通用格式的方法是利用MS自带的trj2ascii.exe程序将.trj文件内容转换成普通文本文件,然后再写个程序将其转换成其它轨迹格式。但这样步骤稍微麻烦些。



#*                                                        *
#*     XTD2XYZ - Convert XTD files into XYZ ormat        *
#*                                                        *
# Version: 0.1
# Author: Andrea Minoia
# Date: 08/09/2010
# Convert MS trajectory xtd file into xYZ trajectory file.
# Backup of files that are about to be overwritten is managed
# by MS. The most recent file is that with higher index number (N)
# The script has to be in the same directory of the
# structure to modify and the user has to update the
# variable $doc (line 31) according to the name of the
# file containing the trajectory.
# The xmol trajectory is stored in trj.txt file and it is not
# possible to rename the file within MS, nor it is possible to
# automatically export it as xyz or car file. You should manage
# the new trajectory manually for further use (e.g. VMD)
# Modificator: Sobereva (sobereva@sina.com)
# Date: 2012-May-23
# The range of the frames to be outputted can be altered by line 49 and 51

use strict;
use MaterialsScript qw(:all);

#open the multiframe trajectory structure file or die
my $doc = $Documents{"./benzene.xtd"};

if (!$doc) {die "no document";}

my $trajectory = $doc->Trajectory;

if ($trajectory->NumFrames>1) {

    print "Found ".$trajectory->NumFrames." frames in the trajectory\n";
    # Open new xmol trajectory file
    my $xmolFile=Documents->New("trj.txt");
    #get atoms in the structure
#    my $atoms = $doc->Atoms;
    my $atoms = $doc->DisplayRange->Atoms;
    my $Natoms=@$atoms;

    # loops over the frames
    my $framebegin=1;
    my $frameend=$trajectory->NumFrames;
#    my $frameend=10;
    for (my $frame=$framebegin; $frame<=$frameend; ++$frame){
        $trajectory->CurrentFrame = $frame;
        #write header xyz
        $xmolFile->Append(sprintf "%i \n", $Natoms);
        $xmolFile->Append(sprintf "%s %i \n", "Frame",$frame);
        foreach my $atom (@$atoms) {
            # write atom symbol and x-y-z- coordinates
            $xmolFile->Append(sprintf "%s %f  %f  %f \n",$atom->ElementSymbol, $atom->X, $atom->Y,

标签:   方法      文件      Material      Studio      轨迹   
品牌推荐 时尚衣橱