主持人操纵股票 被证监会罚没一亿多(双语)
时间:2018-12-24 18:38 来源:互联网 作者:COCO 点击:次
为了帮助大家学习英语,新东方在线小编特为大家准备了双语阅读系列之主持人操纵股票 被证监会罚没一亿多(双语),多多阅读对于提高英语水平是至关重要的,更多英语学习资料欢迎大家随时关注英语学习网http: english koolearn com 证监会公布的行政处罚决定书显示,廖英强利用其知名证券节目主持人(上海广播电视台第一财经频道《谈股论金》节目嘉宾主持人)的影响力,在其微博、博客上公开评价、推荐股票,在推荐前使用其控制的账户组买入相关股票,并在荐股后的下午或次日集中卖出。决定对廖英强没收违法所得4310万元,并处8620万元罚款。 The administrative punishment decision announced by the China Securities Regulatory Commission shows that Liao Yingqiang used the influence of his well-known securities show host (hostess of the Shanghai Finance and TV Channel One Finance Channel's “Talking Talk” program) to make public comments on his microblogs and blogs. , Recommend stocks, buy related stocks using the group of accounts under their control before recommending, and sell them in the afternoon or the next day after the stock is recommended. He decided to confiscate Liao Yingqiang’s confiscation of 43.1 million yuan of illegal income and impose a fine of 86.2 million yuan. 披着主持人的外衣荐股 Cloaked by the host's coat 据中国证监会行政处罚决定书〔2018〕22号,廖英强,1970年生,上海股轩文化创意有限公司大股东,2012年2月至2016年4月,廖英强在上海广播电视台第一财经频道《谈股论金》节目担任嘉宾主持人。 According to the China Securities Regulatory Commission's Administrative Punishment Decision No. 22 (2018) No. 22, Liao Yingqiang, born in 1970, the majority shareholder of Shanghai Stock Xuan Culture & Creative Co., Ltd., from February 2012 to April 2016, Liao Yingqiang talked at the First Finance Channel of Shanghai Radio and Television. The "Distribution" program served as a guest host. 经查明,廖英强利用其知名证券节目主持人的影响力,在其微博、博客上公开评价、推荐股票,在推荐前使用其控制的账户组买入相关股票,并在荐股后的下午或次日集中卖出。 After ascertaining that Liao Yingqiang used the influence of his well-known securities show host to publicly evaluate and recommend stocks on his Weibo and blogs, he used his controlled account group to buy related stocks prior to recommendation, and after the recommendation stocks, Or focus on selling the next day. 廖英强作为大股东的上海股轩文化创意有限公司(以下简称股轩文化)通过“爱股轩”网站的APP,以解盘视频“金钱风暴”“股动钱潮”等节目以及新浪微博、博客、土豆网等互联网平台进行推广和宣传。2015年,股轩文化在上海举办多场培训讲座,讲座视频放在“爱股轩”网站上,以提高股轩文化知名度。随着股轩文化的推广活动,廖英强也积累了一定粉丝,其博客点击率很高。 Liao Yingqiang as a major shareholder of Shanghai Stock Xuan Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the stock Xuan Culture) through the app of the “Aigenxuan” website to unwind videos such as “Money Storm” and “Sharing Money” and Sina Weibo. Internet platforms such as blogs and Tudou.com promote and publicize. In 2015, Unit Xuan Culture held several training seminars in Shanghai. The video of the lectures was placed on the website of “Aiquxuan” to increase the cultural awareness of the stock. With the promotional activities of the stock Xuan Culture, Liao Yingqiang has also accumulated a certain number of fans. His blog has a high clickthrough rate. 廖英强通过在电视台主持高收视率的证券类品牌节目积累名气和受众,再辅以互联网各类平台宣传和推广,开办培训讲座等形式,具有了相当的知名度和影响力。 Liao Yingqiang has accumulated considerable fame and audience by hosting high-rated securities brand programs on TV stations, supplemented with promotion and promotion of various platforms on the Internet, and organized training seminars, etc., and has gained considerable popularity and influence. 荐股是为了更好地卖股 The recommended stock is to better sell shares 据查,2015年3月至11月廖英强控制其本人及“张某萍”等13个证券账户,操纵“佳士科技”等39只股票。 According to investigations, from March to November 2015, Liao Yingqiang controlled 13 securities accounts such as himself and “Zhang Moiping,” and manipulated 39 stocks such as “Chase Technology”. 2015年3月至11月,廖英强利用其知名证券节目主持人的影响力,发布了含有荐股内容的博客60篇,平均点击次数为110399次,在其微博、博客“午间解盘”栏目视频中公开评价、推荐“佳士科技”等39只股票共46次,在推荐前使用其控制的账户组买入相关股票,并在公开荐股下午开盘后或次日集中卖出相关股票,违法所得共计43,104,773.84元。 (责任编辑:admin) |