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Core functionality(2)

Syntax: events { ... }
Context: main

Provides the configuration file context in which the directives that affect connection processing are specified.

Syntax: include file | mask;
Context: any

Includes another file, or files matching the specified mask, into configuration. Included files should consist of syntactically correct directives and blocks.

Usage example:

include mime.types; include vhosts/*.conf;

Syntax: load_module file;
Context: main

This directive appeared in version 1.9.11.

Loads a dynamic module.


load_module modules/ngx_mail_module.so;

Syntax: lock_file file;
Default: lock_file logs/nginx.lock;  
Context: main

nginx uses the locking mechanism to implement and serialize access to shared memory. On most systems the locks are implemented using atomic operations, and this directive is ignored. On other systems the “lock file” mechanism is used. This directive specifies a prefix for the names of lock files.

Syntax: master_process on | off;
Default: master_process on;  
Context: main

Determines whether worker processes are started. This directive is intended for nginx developers.

Syntax: multi_accept on | off;
Default: multi_accept off;  
Context: events

If multi_accept is disabled, a worker process will accept one new connection at a time. Otherwise, a worker process will accept all new connections at a time.

The directive is ignored if connection processing method is used, because it reports the number of new connections waiting to be accepted.

Syntax: pcre_jit on | off;
Default: pcre_jit off;  
Context: main

This directive appeared in version 1.1.12.

Enables or disables the use of “just-in-time compilation” (PCRE JIT) for the regular expressions known by the time of configuration parsing.

PCRE JIT can speed up processing of regular expressions significantly.

The JIT is available in PCRE libraries starting from version 8.20 built with the --enable-jit configuration parameter. When the PCRE library is built with nginx (--with-pcre=), the JIT support is enabled via the --with-pcre-jit configuration parameter.

Syntax: pid file;
Default: pid logs/nginx.pid;  
Context: main

Defines a file that will store the process ID of the main process.

Syntax: ssl_engine device;
Context: main

Defines the name of the hardware SSL accelerator.

Syntax: thread_pool name threads=number [max_queue=number];
Default: thread_pool default threads=32 max_queue=65536;  
Context: main

This directive appeared in version 1.7.11.

Defines named thread pools used for multi-threaded reading and sending of files worker processes.

The threads parameter defines the number of threads in the pool.

In the event that all threads in the pool are busy, a new task will wait in the queue. The max_queue parameter limits the number of tasks allowed to be waiting in the queue. By default, up to 65536 tasks can wait in the queue. When the queue overflows, the task is completed with an error.
