当 Carhartt 遇上 Techno 传奇!这是每个 Techno 乐迷彰显身份标签的
时间:2019-02-07 04:53 来源:互联网 作者:大棒槌 点击:次
当 Carhartt 遇上 Techno 传奇!这是每个 Techno 乐迷彰显身份标签的必备单品 2017-11-20 23:51 来源:YETI 原标题:当 Carhartt 遇上 Techno 传奇!这是每个 Techno 乐迷彰显身份标签的必备单品 日前,Carhartt WIP 联手传奇 Techno 厂牌 Underground Resistance(UR)推出联名系列,致敬品牌底特律根基。身为 Techno 界的先锋音乐团体,UR 的作品影响力的数代乐迷,在音乐与文化界具有举足轻重的影响力。当极具 Soulful 感的 Motown 旋律与芝加哥风格音乐碰撞之时,Acid、电子乐与 Hi Jazz 极致糅合,令人叫绝。而包括 5 件单品的联名系列,无不体现着柏林音乐文化以及 Club kids 的着装风格。大家不妨浏览以下文字,听听 UR 如何影响力这些乐迷。 Carhartt WIP announced its collaboration with the iconic techno collective Underground Resistance (UR), celebrating its Detroit roots. In an exclusive five-piece collection with the pioneering techno group, underground resistance continues to influence different generations, pushing the envelope both musically and culturally. With its inimitable sound blending the soulfulness of Motown and Chicago with acid, electro and hi jazz - this is how the legends of the Berlin scene and club kids are influenced by the sounds of UR from day to night. “如果没有 Underground Resistance 的话,就没有 Techno 的今天。我想非常有必要让大家知道现在的 Techno 是如何发展而成的。UR 的影响力绝对可以说举足轻重,诞生出无数经典之作。” "Without Underground Resistance and all their artists, it probably would not be the techno we're all dancing to today, and I think it's very important to know references and know where the music is coming from, where all the influences come from Resistance was groundbreaking, there are so many great tracks released on UR..." Cem,DJ “ 柏林的 Tresor 以及底特律的 UR 已经合作有 30 年,其产生出的化学反应就如一杯陈酿红酒令人回味。对于我来说,UR 不仅仅是个在音乐中融入社会化概念的厂牌,它的理念具有更深层意义。Underground Resistance 以底特律为豪,并竭尽全力让它在世界上大放异彩。这就是我每次造访位于 Grand Boulevard East UR 总部的感受。Long live underground resistance! ” "The collaboration between Tresor Berlin and UR Detroit has been around for almost 30 years, has developed and matured harmoniously over the years like a good red wine... For me, UR is also the only label that has a social concept in addition to music that takes place against the despair in the ghettos and the so-called programming. Underground Resistance loves its city of Detroit. And they're doing everything they can to put Detroit back in focus. That's what I feel and experience on each of my many visits to the UR headquarters on Grand Boulevard East. I am glad that the cooperation with UR lives on despite many changes in a long way. Long live underground resistance! " Dimitri Hegeman, Tresor 主理人 “UR 可谓说发明了 Techno。UR 的音乐人在作品中充分表达出自己的政治愿望,通过创意力量呈现出来。他们是为了 Community 而创造音乐,而不是去为了迎合富人的品味,这也缔造了他们今天的成就。只要社会中存在任何形式的消极问题,他们就会不断创造音乐,以来激励新一代年轻人。” "UR invented techno, unlike the artists in today's electronic music scene, the UR guys have a political outlook in their work, transforming social issues into creative power, and they do not seem to care what rich people think about them. They make music for the community, that's what makes them so authentic - as long as there will be social struggles (segregation, capitalism, gentrification ...), they will continue to influence all generations." Viola Glock, DJ STYLE // 032c 联手 Carhartt 打造超限量联名夹克 YETI OUT NOVEMBER TOUR (责任编辑:admin) |